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Uplifting Trance Kits Vol.1

Uplifting Trance Kits Vol.1

Uplifting Trance Kits Vol.1: Sounds, Samples, Loops, FX, Presets and Midis that I use in all my own templates and unique music. It contains FX samples and presets that I designed myself.

73 Midi 89 Presets 83 samples .

More than 10 kicks, more than 10 claps, more than 10 loops, more than 10 FX. I present them all to you. Please pay attention to Sylenth1 or Spire or Nexus2 or other Vst formats when distinguishing presets. I am not responsible.

Download Project Files  : Link

73 Midi,
89 Presets,
83 samples,
Any Keys,
Nexus vst Plugins used
Kicks, Claps, HiHats,
Midi Pack, FX Samples Loops